#10: My Laundry "room"....sure, it's a necessity when you have a family of 5. That doesn't mean I have to love it!! It's open to the public, it's messy (no matter how many times I organize) & it's right inside my back door. Yet, it cleans our clothes, holds our coats & on rare occasions when she sneaks in it keeps the cat warm!
Too many toys? What else is a kid to do?! Rating on the Love/Hate scale: 3 out of 5 <3's My resolution: Stay out & relax! This too shall pass...it did for me! |
#8: The oven....okay, I've made mention before that I'm not a baker. I do LOVE to cook tho'. So why the love/hate? It's old, it stinks and it won't come clean (no matter what I use). On the other hand, I love fixing meals and hot tea. I love that it will bake, when I want to pop open the box of cake mix!
I love that they hold a lot of junk stuff, hate that they block the one large, south facing window in my bedroom!
#5: My new gadget....the nebulizer. I hate that it ties me down for 90 minutes a day. LOVE that after a treatment I can breathe. Okay, the breathing thing should clue me in that this is not a thing to be hated.....
Self explanatory people!!!
Rating on the Love/Hate scale: 3 out of 5 <3's
My Resolution: Short of renovating both rooms, keep it as clean as possible. Try not to lose the sanity over it!
#2: The couch. Oh, how I have LOVED my couch!! I have gone through 2 pregnancies (& now a bout of pneumonia) sleeping on this couch!! It's been a soft place to sink into & relax. It's days of being useful is over I'm afraid. It has succumbed to children jumping, and the hubby "plopping" down!! I think I feel tears coming on......
Oh, the Humanity!!! Spare Me!!
Rating on the Love/Hate scale: 4 out of 5 <3's
My resolution: Keep hunting for the perfect vintage/ MCM couch!! Hope I find it soon or someone's gonna get goosed!!
#1: My Family!! Yes, you know them. The whole reason I started writing this blog. The main reason for the insanity of my life! I hate that they are all stubborn, opinionated, strong-willed and grumpy (note: "they" haha). I LOVE that they love me! They love me for who I am. They love me no matter what I look like. They love me when I'm sick or feeling good. They love me when I'm in a depression & they love me when I'm feeling good and enjoying them life. They love me through my stubborness, opinions, strong-will and grumpiness! Yea, I know, they are pretty awesome!!