Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why I live in insanity

There must be a reason I have a husband, a five year old, three year old and a 62 year old mother-in-law (with frontal temporal dementia) living under one roof with me!! I am a certifiable, undeniable and self-proclaimed INSANE mommy!! The ONLY reason I choose to live my life like this is because I love'em. Yes, all of them!
Some days I dabble with thoughts of sanity, then I remember how much duller my life was. How QUIET, how smooth, how timely, how "gourmet" my life was and quickly get back to cleaning up my kid's spilled juice, yelling at them to get going out the door so they won't be late for school, packing lunches and running them to school (I forgot okay 2 showers, 4 breakfasts, 3 outfits on, 3 sets of teeth brushed and a load of laundry before 8:30 am, I don't know how I forgot, but I did). Oh, and let's not forget my wonderful husband, who is quite the independent man. I don't have to dress him, feed him or shower him, he is quite the guy. He is definitely the one who reminds me of all the things that I forgot to do...sometimes he even picks up my pieces. He has CHOSEN to take this trip to insanity with me...God bless Him!!
Today, well, today is pretty smooth sailing. Mother-in-law (heretofore referred to as Grandma Patty) is feeling dizzy since yesterday afternoon. Yes, the dizziness induced a round of vomiting, that nearly got me to kneel before the porcelain throne too!! We made it through that, and now I'm trying to keep her as still as possible so we don't go down that road again today.
My oldest, Lauryn, is at school taking her first day of "Stanford Tests" that will show how she has progressed through her first year of school. She finished Kind. and 1st grade work this year @ five years old. She is reading at a 2nd grade level. While, I'm very VERY proud of her, her stubbornness and need for the last word was one of my first tastes of insanity. (It gets worse with age doesn't it? Hers and Mine)
Liyah, the 3 year old, is my HUNGRY kid. She thinks if she doesn't eat every hour she is going to fade away. Thank God, she likes most foods including fresh fruits and veggies!! My second step into the wildly hilarious world of insanity was when she started crawling...and emptying out every drawer and cupboard she could reach. As you can imagine this too has progressively sent me further down the slippery slope. Of course once she gets things out it doesn't pick up itself!!
AHHH, she still takes naps thank you Jesus!!

That is a glimpse, tiny but oh so true. I do love this life. Always wanted to stay home and raise children and do the homey things. I didn't actually expect that to be PB&J's 4 out of 5 days and chicken nuggets for Sunday Dinner!!!!

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