Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Alone again...

Well it's Tuesday morning and the girls are in school. Greg is off work today because we thought that we would be leaving for OH this morning, but we are going to be getting the oil changed in the car, gas, groceries, laundry, and getting things packed for our trip tomorrow. Lauryn's last day of school is today and Liyah's is tomorrow morning. We'll pick Li up from school at noon and then head off to Columbus!!! Thank the Lord for a DVD player in the van!! This might be the best trip to Columbus we've had in a long time.
It's been a rough week with Lauryn. She is steadily trying to get herself to the top of the Leader board (leader being the key word there). She wants so much to do whatever that she doesn't want to listen when told to do something. I know I'm not the only mother out here in "blogville" that has this problem. Liyah on the other hand thinks she can be goofy and get away with not doing what she's supposed to be doing! I don't like either of the paths they choose to get their way, so I'm the mean cop and put a stop to it!
Greg played drums in church this past Sunday! He hasn't done that since we started going to the larger church. He did great and everyone involved with the music program liked what he did. I, of course, know he's an awesome drummer. I spent a lot of time during out dating months listening to him play and practice with the groups and bands he was with at the time. Ahhh, those were the days!

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