from a mom who has nothing better to blog about!
First thought....
Why is it that everything that tastes the best also has the most calories and fat? What up with that? I love fruits and veggies, but they aren't my go to foods if I'm just hankerin' for something to snack on.
Why is it that when you are trying to grow your hair out, it seems to grow soooo slow? Yet the hair on your legs and pits grow in abundance. I have to shave daily if I don't want to be mistaken for Sasquatch.
Then there's this conundrum....
Why is it when you have time to fix a nice meal, a) no one is hungry or b) no one likes what you fixed? That just makes me want to toss the chic nuggets in the oven, pop the bread in the toaster or pour milk over the Cheerios for dinner every night!! (I used to love cooking peeps).
Why is it...
That every morning when there is school or church to go to the kiddoes sleep in (thus making it necessary to wake them and start them out crabby, as opposed to the gradual slide into crabbiness). But EVERY FREAKIN' SATURDAY they are awake and singing at the top of their lungs @ 7 in the a.m.? Oh, sure they are singing and not screaming at each other.... forget it, NOTHING can make that a good thing.
How's come....
When you have a full day all to yourself the little evil time genies make the clock go faster.... yet on those days when the blessed children are home time goes so s-l-o-w-l-y!? Huh, don't have a good answer for that one do you?
Another thought....
Why is it that all the cute fashions and designs are for the really skinny girls and when I even find something fashionably close to them... I still look like a Frump? Yeah, I know....
This is a puzzler....
Why do advertisers insist on making commercials that would make us want to buy there products? I mean who in there right mind would want anything that would cause a kid want to fix their own school lunch and then make their mom's lunch too? (Jif I think, although I couldn't find a vid of it, it still annoys me). Or K Y Jelly, I mean who wants that kind of "dancing" in the bedroom, as if we have the energy after Mr. Clean comes and winks at us and our twinkling bathrooms/kitchens? Get real people, if you want someone like me to buy your product, show a mother struggling to get her kids to brush there teeth, wash their hands and stay in bed. Picture it, a commercial with a frazzled mom sitting in the easy chair @ midnight, with food stains on her shirt, a laundry basket full on the floor beside her, a dog holding the leash for the last walk of the night and her hubby walking in with a shirt and iron for her. All she cares about is [insert tall glass of fav bev here] and [insert fav escape method here].... much more realistic!
How about this...
Your child is so excited to write and read cursive (hand/script writing) that she "pretends" she is doing it for a year. But when she get to that curriculum in school, she balks at writing it the "proper" way.... whew!
Better yet...
Your 6 and 4 yr olds like to dress themselves (that's a GOOD thing eh?!). Yet in dressing themselves they cause strangers on the street to turn and stare at them.... mmmhhmmm keep telling yourself your children are the MOST beautiful kids in the world if it make you more comfortable with their ensemble choices!
I've often wondered....
Why we can't all wear disposable clothing, excuse me recyclable clothing.... as in disposable/recyclable dishes. That would take care of my 2 biggest daily grinds right there!!
When you are super tired/crabby/grumpy/frumpy/hormonal/short-tempered/and "gritchy" do your kids give you the BEST bedtime hugs and kisses, you can put your MIL to bed a 9 P.M., and your husband gives you a wicked foot rub?! WHY? Because they probably know they are the cause for you being that way!! LOL
Eh, the wandering, rambling thoughts of a blogger with nothing better to blog about. There can't be enough said for that!!
By The Way... in regards to commercials.... I saw this one New Axe Commercial- wash your balls the other night (after the kiddoes were in bed and I was enjoying the before mentioned tall glass of [ ] ).... it kinda caught me off guard. I'm not sure if I want to buy the product, or just send the hubs out to get some on his own! What do you think? Surprise him for his 40th birthday? Or is it more along the lines of a Christmas type gift? Let me know what you think!!
thanks for the giggle