When I was around 7 or 8 I fell deeply in love with a certain little girl....Laura Ingalls Wilder. I mean IN LOVE!
There were a few years in my childhood that we were without a t.v. in our house. My parents had the audacity to think that it may rot our brains (go figure). Let me tell you this though, every Monday night we went over to my grandparents house to watch "Little House on the Prarie"!!
There is & never will be anything that could replace the set of creamy yellow covered books that my mother had on the living room bookshelves. I think I read those books 10 times each or more! LOVE-LOVE!!
So now Lauryn is 7 (& 1/2) we have started reading the Little House in the Big Woods together. I am in mommy heaven! I am spending time with my girl, rereading some books that are close to my heart & sharing some awesome history!!
Of course, to make it even better.....I thrifted these (still on the lookout for the rest to make the complete set) for .49 each!! Can't beat that with a stick...can't beat the kids with one either can I?
--Jeanette using BlogPress on iPhone
I loved those books! When I was younger, my cousin and I would play "Prairie" and dress up and everything!