slap me silly and call me
happy late to the party! I have been so busy; keeping things moving along here in the Frumpy House! I've been working my butt off (not really, but a woman can wish, can't she?!?!). Trying to keep everyone "happy, happy, happy" as Phil Robertson would say... (not familiar with
"Duck Dynasty" on A&E? Shameful!)
G had the stitches out & a boot put on his foot last week on the 5th. He was happy to see that heavy cast go. The Dr. said everything was looking good and felt good. There was still a lot of swelling and bruising (which G never likes to see). We've been soaking his foot each night in Epsom Salts and the swelling and bruising have gone down measurably!
Then the man goes and tries to get a throw out of the basket this morning, using only one crutch....yeah, he starts to fall and natural reaction is to put his foot down. Youch!! I heard a holler and rushed out...I think it's the first time he's cried about the pain. But, it settled down quickly. We iced it, I bathed it and I went on with my morning routine...deep breathing and craziness!!
The girls haven't been as pleased, with daddy home all day, as much as I thought they would...hahaha! Because I'm working the 5/10 hour days for Mr. P, they are having to take on WAAAY more responsibilities than they think is "fair".
Thankfully, I found this wonderful "Responsibility Chart" at a Goodwill a few months ago. It was $3.99....not bad for a hand crafted "Melissa and Doug"!!
Obviously, I'm not the only one that likes to write on the board!! Lauryn wanted everyone to know they hadn't earned their Friday night "sleepover" |
So, I whipped that thing out, thought up a few chores that the girls could do (at their level of ability) that would help keep things a little bit less
hellish hectic around the house!
Yeah, L want's everyone to know that they didn't get sleepover last week....also, I know how to spell wip(e), someone's little finger did that!! |
Lauryn, is 8 and a typical whiner. She has learned to procrastinate with the best of us...much to the man's chagrin (he's the type of guy who will wake up at 6 am, have a load of laundry going, the floor swept and the dishes done by 7 am...(I know it's rough, but I still love him *sigh*)).
She gets the daily chores of feeding and watering the dog, dishes, and wiping down their sink and toilet in the hall bathroom (#'s 1, 2, & 3). Then on Wednesday she runs the vacuum through the living room and down the hall. The vacuum brings out much moaning (hers), wailing (hers) and gnashing of teeth (mine).
Liyah, is 6 and an even better procrastinator than her sister (somehow she does it without drawing attention to the fact that she is indeed procrastinating...hmmm). She has the responsibility of feeding and watering the cat, clearing the table after lunch and supper & sweeping the dining room and kitchen floors after supper each night (#'s 1, 2 & 3). Then on Wednesday she is required to dust the tables and surface area's in the living room (now that is a chore she really enjoys).
Sundays are F(ree) days for the girls...yep, I'm that nice of a mom!! |
These daily chores are not required on Sundays, whatever needs to be done on that day I do. Each day their chores are completed without
any too much back-talk, whining or procrastination they each earn an hour of t.v. or x-box or games on the iPhone/computer. They also get to call and invite over or talk to friends on the phone when they are done (obviously Li's responsibilities are late in the day so they would not all count against her privileges, mostly how she did the day before counts).
At the end of the week, if the chart is all full (M-F) they earn a "sleepover" in the living room. Complete with pizza, snacks and goodies!! Yeah!!! (Obviously, from the above picture they didn't earn the sleepover last week, we are really working hard to get that sleepover this week!!)
On Saturdays it's been a family affair. We all pitch in to tighten up the ship-shape and work on bedrooms and laundry! The girls both know how to do their laundry so they are quite responsible to do that with some supervision. Then we do some yard work, feed the chickens (yes, I do that daily) special treats from the fridge clean out, and then we have some family fun.
I kinda hate that the girl's summer has turned into more of a "responsible" time than a fun time for them. That is real life isn't it...I always try to tell myself, I'm not raising kids--I'm raising adults. They will need to know compassion, responsibility, serving/giving & group
therapy effort!!
The Frumpy House is learning that whatever comes our way we can meet it head on with poise, dignity and a happy least, after my first cup of coffee!
How about you other moms, have you met challenging situations head on with the help of your family (wether they enlist or are drafted)? How has that gone? Did they (or you) live to tell about it?
All three photos were supplied by family members @ The Frumpy I was at work when I decided I should get motivated and write a blog post!!! Thank you....Greg and Lauryn!