Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Burn...

The Muscle and Sunburn that is. My first sunburn today. Spent about 8 hours in the yard yesterday getting a new flower bed tilled up, setting out my humming bird, oriole and finch feeders out, making a bird bath out of recycled materials from my dad's junk pile, digging post holes and setting my new clothes line poles up and pushing Liyah on the "big kids swing". Today it was another 8 hours putting up a rock surround around the fire pit, planting corn, beans, cucumbers, and squash in the garden, lining my new flower bed with rocks from the creek that runs behind our house (gotta get more of them) and swinging Liyah on the "big kids swing".

I've been walking two miles with my mom and sister each morning too. I hope I'm burning extra calories because I've sure been eating them!!

Lauryn is done with school 4 days early. She was home today and already she's asking for all her friends to come over because she's bored. I'm thinking a great list of chores will keep the boredom away. We will definitely be working on that.

I think my to do list tomorrow is still great. Get the clothes line up, do laundry, dig up another flower bed for my sunny flowers, mow the back yard and probably (no for sure) push Liyah in the "big kids swing"!!

Now if only I could teach a 3 and 5 year old how to differentiate between weeds and flowers/veggies.

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