Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Weekend Pt.1

Well readers, it was THE weekend! My morning on Saturday started out bright and early getting something for everyone to eat (hubby does the coffee yummmm). The day for getting Lauryn from her week of camp. We hadn't had any phone calls, emergency emails or any other indication that her week had gone horrible... and we were pleasantly surprised when we arrived to see a smiling face and receive great big hugs from our oldest chicky!

She reported a wonderful week of swimming (2x's a day--everyday!), games, snack shack (supplementing her skimpy meals), and crafts! She had tales to tell, and a DVD to show us of her activities throughout the week.

Then 20 minutes later she was crying and throwing a fit because she didn't want to eat "in" at McD's (not that she didn't want to eat McD's, she just didn't want to eat at the restaurant).

*SIGH* there goes the peace and quiet. There goes the enjoyable conversation, the laughs and the good stories. Here comes the craziness of trying to enjoy life with the unenjoyable... laugh with the unlaughable... sing about the unsingable.... soar above the unsoarable!

I never in my life thought that I would have such a "HARD" relationship with one of my children. I never in my thoughts considered that I wouldn't be able to relate to a child. I was a nanny for 10 years (even took Lauryn to work with me for the first 18 mos. of her life) and never had such a strained relationship with any of those children. Whew, confessions hurt...

She continued to act up and act out the whole rest of the weekend, kinda making it miserable for all of us in the house. Yesterday seemed to be a bit better. Hopefully she will be getting back on track to only being grouchy 60% of the time, instead of the 95% from the weekend.

More weekend news to come!

PS. I do love my Lauryn, I just really hate how she is behaving and cannot wait for this stage to pass... and if that never happens... I'm pretty sure I can find a small cabin in the woods, near a calm peaceful lake, with songbirds in the trees and padded walls throughout!!

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