Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here's the Down low....

On the Halloween Costumes of 2010!  Of course @ our house the kiddoes pick out what they want to be on their own now.... no more of the cute lady bug costumes... *sniff sniff*

But, I will say they got it goin on.  They know what they want and they aren't afraid of any repercussions, ie. what other kids might think.  Two years ago Lauryn wanted to be a ghost, so we took an old white sheet, cut out eye holes, drew on a scary mouth and there she was.  The best part of that night was everyone, I mean EVERYONE, we passed that night she said, "BOO!" to!  It was too funny, that my dear friends is a child determined to do her "job"!

So this year early on Lauryn wanted to be a witch.  I thought that was quite doable, as most thrift stores have witches hats in their holiday inventory.  I was not worried about her.

Liyah on the other hand has been a princess/princess/princess wannabe since she was too big to fit into her cute little lady bug costume.... wish I had pics of her in that... they are somewhere in a file I'm sure.
This year she informed me she wanted to be a fair/princess/ballerina/butterfly.... with rainbow colored wings!!  Yeah, okay, that. will. maybe. be. doable!

So here goes.... the shopping.  # 1 Lauryn HATES shopping... will NOT go to the grocery store with me unless she can't find anyone else to mind her.  # 2 Hubby was going with, and he and I don't always agree on the choices.  # 3 We knew it may take more than one thrift store to get everything needed for that perfect costume.... how many is too many?  Mom= no limit, Dad= how hungry he is, Kiddoes=???

We went to a WISE thrift store in the town closest to us that has any thrift stores (WISE thrift benefits women and children that have been in abusive relationships).  There we found our first scores of the day.

1. Witches hat  $1
2. Witchy hair  $1
3. Ballerina tutu  $2
4. princess shoes (the must have for any princess/fairy/ballerina/butterfly)  $1


Then on to the fave thrifty shopping place.... good ol' GW (guuudweeeel as Liyah says).

1. RAINBOW COLORED BUTTERFLY WINGS!!  $1 (spied on the outdoor rack, hanging on the end)
2. Black outfit (a one piece pant suit that was in the adult section... but could easily be cut off) $3.25

That is about it... we spent a whoppin' $8.25!!

Then I bought some green eyeshadow @ Wal-Mart for 3 bucks and used that for Lauryn's face (since I couldn't come across any Halloween makeup!)  The rest of the makeup came out of my drawer @ home!!  Easy Peasy.

Lauryn was EXTREMELY psyched to be a witch, and when she saw the makeup... even without the wig.  I heard a big squeel and "thank you mom, thank you mom, thank you mom!!"

Liyah, wanted something pretty... a little sparkley, a little pink, lavender and blue shadow, an eyeliner and pink lipstick.... and she deemed herself beautiful ( I don't raise stuck up kids... they are just naturally that way!)

Here's the pics for your viewing pleasure.... let's see if you can tell who is who!
The witchiest smile she could make!!  LOVE IT

Who has a prettier smile than a butterfly ballerina?!

With my cousin Annie (the girlies think their nail polish is still wet)!

The full effect of her costume!! (and yes, she is still waiting for the polish to dry LOL)

There you have it; cheap, cute costumes and happy kiddoes!

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