Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who Wouldn't want to Sing this EVERYDAY!!!

The Good Ol' Days....

When I first started this blog it was for the reason of venting.   VENTING PEOPLE!  About how stressed I was as a wife, mother and care-giver!  There was never a dull moment with my two little kiddoes and my mother-in-law and the hubby.... not to mention the pets.

Things have changed tho'.  Oh, I still have the hubby, he's not out with the dog yet.  I still have the two growing girlies ( and yes they are still strong-willed and trying at times).  G.P. (Grandma Patty for my new readers) is still with us, getting worse by the week it seems at times.  The dog and the cat still prowl the acreage (catching mice, moles, snakes, birds and rabbits).  I'm still there, doing more now than before, yet doing things that don't make me crazy!!

making funny face for Li's picture taking!

I have thoroughly trained  loved the hubby, and accepted his quirks and irritations (don't we all if we want to stay married to our better halves?!).
Mostly, I am learning to "power down" when I'm coming up against the fortress of "Laurli".

 I have come to find with Lauryn that the more responsibilities I give her the better she likes it.  The more independence she has, the higher she strives!  So now my duties with her in the a.m and p.m really are just visiting, reading, teaching (cooking,  housework etc.) and answering questions for her.  She is the keeper of her school uniform, lunchbox, p.e. clothes, homework/backpack and alarm clock!!  She is the maker of her breakfast, lunch and sometime supper.  NOT because I don't want to be a mom and make these things for her, but my life and hers is much calmer when she is the one making the choices and fixing them (talk about a picky eater).  Yes, I still am the one to tell her what is or is not acceptable for her as a child.... yes, she does get disciplined and yes, she still has to do her homework and chores (even while she's whining)!  I think she is growing up, and doing it quite nicely!

The Li side of the fortress, is still in the whirling dervish leg of her pre-schooler days.  She is still into everything... like here.  Dressing up in clothes (real or dress up) 3-4 outfits a day!  Most of these are left behind on her bedroom floor, prompting mommy to stress the fact that once I can no longer walk into her room to tuck her in.... she's on her own!  Props to my little 4 year old for throwing her nightie and underwear in the dirty clothes basket just this morning tho'!!  She's also into leaving behind a "paper trail" throughout the day.  She loves to write "notes" to everyone (even her longtime imaginary friends; Zebra and Pony) and then rip it out of her notebook and deliver them.... thus leaving papers from one end of the house to the other.  She still loves nail polish, lip gloss, eyeshadow and hair accessories.  These also can be found throughout the house at different times, and in weird places.

Sorry for the blur, she wasn't sitting still.
She was laughing because we told her we were going to tell "Aunt Linda" (her sister) that she wasn't eating.  She said she was done!  Go Figure.

G.P. has 2 wonderful home care-givers that come and take care of her in the mornings now.  This has really been a godsend as she is getting worse.  The dementia has pretty much taken away the bubbly, fun loving person that I met when Greg and I were first dating and engaged.  She now is perpetually worried about where the girls are, where we are, when is she doing this or that.  She isn't able to use the bathroom alone, or feed herself, or dress and groom herself.  The stress of caring for her has been greatly reduced thanks to the care-givers!  I'm able to have 3 hours in the a.m. to work on my listings, run errands, and visit.  There are still things that are stressful, like getting her to eat.... it's the weirdest thing.... she eats 6-8 bites and then says she is done, she's already eaten.  When you finally get her to focus on her plate... she says it's not hers... go figure!!

So the stressor that were causing my insanity have lessened.  I'm still a little crazy, but anyone in my family would tell you that was WAY before children and MIL's.  I'm hoping that the blog continues to be a favorite read, and that I continue to intrigue you with the tales of my new 4 letter word.  I still get a smile on my face when I get a new follower, and I outright giggle when readers leave comments!

Here's hoping you continue on this path with me... to places where we don't use 4 letter words (like sane) to describe our lives!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I'm not against the trick or treating... I'm not fond of the devilish things that are celebrated.  What I most like about October is the Autumn leaves (as previously stated) and the cooler weather (which we are yet to experience her in MI).

But, of course, the little ghoulies girlies are looking forward to dressing up and getting some yummy candies.  They are excited even if the weather is 35 deg. F and it's raining!!

I'm not a big decorator when it comes to holidays (Christmas being the only exception in my house) because it just seems like you get the stuff up and then it's time to take it down and replace it all with more stuff for the next Hallmark holiday!

I do so enjoy going to other blogs and websites and seeing how they like to do up their homes for the festivities....  here are a few.


This acorn garland and tutorial are on Elsie's A Beautiful Mess blog... great eye candy for those crafty people.


The family makes yummy caramel apples over on Bleubird Vintage... see Miss James and her lovely fam.

A whole bunch of Halloween DIY's @ StephanieLynn's blog... Under the Table and Dreaming


Some beautiful ways to decorate for the season, if you don't like the holiday theme is found here on Chic on a Shoestring Decorating blog.  She's got it going on for all seasons!!

And for those who are more into decorating themselves than their homes... here are 10 Easy Thrift Store Costume ideas from the Thriftcore Blog.

Of course being a thrifting lover myself the girls got their costumes from thrift stores in our area.  A piece here, a piece there... until it all came together.  I will be posting pics and explanations after the trick or treating is done and everyone has had their "fair share" of candy!

For those of you who think I'm not at all into the spirit of holidays... here are some pics of my take on a fall/harvest tablescape..... Lauryn and Liyah helped by gathering the acorns, pinecone, leaves and greenery.  I think it's pretty and it's size appropriate for our table!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I wanted to share with you a few things....

Like I needed your permission or something!  Well, since I don't here goes....

I have been doing pretty well with the eating thing... not eating too much vs. shovel + me = mealtime.  Thinking about what I'm eating vs. food +  tv/book/blog/twitter (ok u get it) = mealtime.  Zen moments during meals vs. food + kids + MIL + picky eaters + me = mealtime!  I've been trying to overhaul not just WHAT I eat but HOW I eat it.

Food + sight + pretty + me = yummy!  So here are my thoughts a quick blog entry at the end of the day that documents what I ate... quick, easy, accountability and "FUN?"  Here are some examples....


Lemon/ Ginger Detox Tea! 
Coffee + Capp. Mix TO GO!


Delish!  Lunch Spring Mix w/ Baked Potato
Garlic Vinaigrette and Sunflower seeds
Warm bowl of Butternut Squash Soup

OOOOHHH!  Dratz! Last Minute Pizza and Breadsticks
It was late and the kiddies were hungry after Lauryn's
volleyball game.... good enough excuse  reason?
Oh, and add to it 2 more breadsticks  GHAK!

So, what do you think?  Would it be readable?  Would it really hold me accountable?  Who's to say I didn't really eat 4 pcs. of pizza and 1 breadstick eh?  I don't know.  I felt pretty guilty taking the pic knowing it would someday go on this blog (my prototype audience).  Besides, you readers aren't out to judge a fat lady by what she eats are you?  huh? HUH?  I may try it, I may fail.... but I shall always have to eat!

Just because....

I'm not a professional photographer doesn't mean I don't like to take pics.... it does mean my pics can be bad, really bad.... and then turn out to be rather nice.

I took a few pics with my iPhone the other night.  The girls were dressed up in their princess clothes, purses on arms, "click-click" shoe as Liyah calls them on feet and they were just hanging out.  Like it was a normal way to be.

I was fiddling with the phone and the Hipstamatic app.  Trying out the different lenses, with/ out flash, lamp on/ off, etc....

This is what happened, I think it's pretty cool.  Of course, I really think that the object of the picture is what's so beautiful.

Friday, October 15, 2010


The Top 10 5 (I'm too tired to come up with 10 ) Reasons I Love Autumn....

5. The Sweaters come out of storage.  Sweaters that...
Cover the big ba-donk-a-donk!

Loose weave so I can layer!

Pretty buttons too!

4.  I can leave the window open, no a/c and no heater,  $$$$ saved!  'Nuff said.

3.  I can make Chilis, Potato Soups, Bean Soups and many other's in my crock pot and smell 'em all day             long.  Num, Num!

2.  I get to eat some of my favorite fresh foods....

All kinds of Squashes......
Fresh from the garden

Baked to a warm buttery perfection

MMMM, butter & sea salt added, ready to eat.

My #1 Reason why I love Autumn.....

I LOVE the Autumn Colors..... here's some pics from our backwoods.

The dark red oak leaves.

Orangey-red maples.

Yellow and orange maple leaves, even the green needles!

Nothing makes me smile more in the Fall then driving or walking around and seeing all the beautiful colors!  They are definitely worth getting out and about.  No wonder they have "color tours" all over the north/northeast parts of our Country!

What's your most favorite season of the year?  Do you have all 4 seasons like we do here in Michigan?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Saturday's Rock and Roll night....

and spin and flip, and curtsy and bow, and pretend you are the best dancer in the world.  Be it a ballerina, jazz, break dancer, acrobatic, free style or just plain make it up as we get all frenzied before bedtime any kind of dancing will do in our home.

But.... unless you decree us to be like any family that has little children and the ability to play music... we are NOT the typical "Dancing Queen".  Oh, no not us.....

We act like this.....

sorry the pics are blurry, there was no way to get them any better!!

 because of this....

Folks, it's Lawrence Welk at his 70's finest!!

and then the curtsy!!!  Brava

See folks we know how to have hella good times @ The Frumpy House!!

For those of you who care....

I mentioned a few posts ago that I was going to be doing some cleaning.... well, I really haven't gotten around to a whole lot of the chores on that list....

I HAVE started a cleanse.  On Monday morning I drank the proverbial "death" drink.... ewwww.  It consists of 32 oz (yes, a whole quart) of warm water and 2 tsp. of sea salt.  Now before you think that it doesn't sound too bad, that small amount of salt in all that water.... let's just say as I was gulping down one cup at a time and then rinsing my mouth out with a sip of water, before I took a breath, I was trying to convince myself I was drinking canned/condensed chicken noodle soup, straight up no water.  Even that was a stretch for my imagination (and taste buds).  Once I got that down, it was within the hour that my intestines started flushing out.....yes you get the picture (don't dwell there folks).

Then I was ready to get on with the rest of the day.

I haven't gone totally off solid food yet, I have been eating one meal a day and drinking the rest.  I have been eating raw almonds (for protein and fat), and dried dates and figs (for natural sugar to keep me from crashing).  I have been drinking my famous "green smoothies".  I started drinking green smoothies over a year ago, mostly because it was an easy way to make sure that I got some veg and fruits in my day.

I make mine with 1 cup of fresh spinach leaves, about 1/4 c. of cold water (blend it in my super "Magic Bullet" blender)  when it is totally liquified I add 2 tsp. of protein powder, 1/4 cup ea. of 2 different frozen fruits (ie, strawberry/peach, blueberry/pineapple, berries/froz. banana).  Actually, I put my extremely ripe banana's in the freezer and usually add 1/2 of one to all my smoothies (great sweetener and thickener).  This in itself is a great green smoothie.  Gulp!  Gulp!

But, of course not being one to let things be just "normal" I like to add other Super Foods to my smoothie (to make it even healthier).  I add 1 tsp. Royal Jelly (hey if the queen bee eats it and she live 40x's longer than other bees it sounds profitable to me),  1 tsp. of Kelp Powder (super Green food), one tsp. of Brewer's Yeast) 1 tsp of lecithin (awesome for metabolizing fat) and one tsp. of ground flax seed (although flax oil would be just as excellent for getting some Omega-3's).  There that's it..... that's what I've been drinking for the past 3 days for breakfast and lunch.

Snacking on the almonds, dates and figs in the late afternoon when I start thinking about the chocolate granola bars or the tortilla chips and salsa in the fridge.  Muust ssstttaayyy awwwaaaaayyyyyyy!!

I feel better.  I don't have heartburn so much as I've had in the past month (not a usual occurrence, but I think that the overeating and overdrinking (COFFEE people) had gotten my tummy soooo out of balance that I wasn't feeling good most days.

So, now I'm down to ONE cup of coffee a day.... black (as usual).

Another quick way I found to get some veggies is to get V-8 juice (low sodium), some carrot juice, some green juice,, then I add a few drops of this!  (2 c. of V-8 (or any veg/tomato juice), 1 c. carrot juice and 1 c. green (any brand you can find).  This is filling, and yummy.

Today, I started my day with a detox drink I saw here.  Lemon, agave nectar and fresh ginger root.  I didn't have the recipe with me so I did my own (1 lemon juiced, a good squeeze of agave nectar and about a 1" block of ginger root).  It was tart (more agave nectar tomorrow) but tasty.  Really, anything is after the salt water cleanse....

I'm feeling lighter already, maybe it's because I've been spending some "quality time" in the bathroom... and no I wasn't soaking in a bubble bath!

Anyhooo,  I thought I'd post this because I know there are a lot of other women out there who are really trying to "lighten their load", and it is especially hard to do this in the winter months (here in the states) or any time of year for that matter!!

This is my thought for the day... to keep myself aware, and accountable I've thought about taking pics of my food/drinks for each day and posting them (somewhere?  new blog, twitter, tumblr, ??)  What are your thoughts?  Is it something you would do?  Let me know....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

This is how I'm feeling lately....

It's funny...

I love to shop the thrift stores in the area I live.  Mostly Goodwill.  Not that I'm partial to them, they are just everywhere, and I'm pretty rural.  Wait, that's not the funny part.  The funny part is, things catch my eye, and I tend to buy the ones that look like they are vintage and re-sellable, I don't buy based on name brands (mostly 'cause I don't know them) or what I know is collectible.  I buy and then look it up on the internet.  So, I went there last week, to look around after dinner with the family.  Here are some of the things I found.....

IROQUOIS by Russel Wright (found out his pcs. are very collectible $$)

"Yellow Scroll" by Century Service Alliance, OH

Knowles sugar and creamer set ($$)

Silver Clutch H L USA (Harry Levine) pretty & popular

Vintage Beaded Handbag... so, so, just SO!

I totally love the search, and the rescue!  I'm glad that I have found a way to make some money off of a hobby that makes me happy.  It's really funny how they say, one man's junk is another man's treasure!

So True.... what have you done lately that makes you happy?  That surprised you?  That made you excited?

Googling a few of these items to get an idea on pricing I came across this site: It's the bomb... drool worthy... eye candy galore!!

What websites do you like to go and browse through?  Like you were looking through the shelves of a fav store?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It has come to my attention....

That I haven't posted a WOW Wednesday in quite sometime... seems that routines are not good for me, I don't get into them very well.

Well, this week I just happen to have a WOW post.... it's still about my girlies.

They are quite rambunctious, wild, boisterous, but I would not call them out of control.... my husband, well that's for a different post, maybe even a different blog!

When Li comes home mid-day from Pre-K she has a quick lunch or snack and then proceeds to play (sniff, sniff the nap times are gone  ).  Now her play constitutes tea parties with dollies and mommy, drawing a ream of pictures/notes, dressing up (5-10 times), asking questions about books/tv/people in general.....

It's quiet play, sometimes I even doze off on the couch if I have a few minutes to sit (or I'm not having tea).

Then, it's Lauryn's turn to come home.  She is full of excitement, school news, excessive energy from sitting in classes, in general she is just a LOUD girl.  She is demonstrative in all her story telling!  Not only that she appears to be needy (alert, looks can be deceiving ).  Mom, can I have this for a snack, will you get this, can you fix this, how about this, is it alright to have this, can I have 2 of these...?  These questions go on and on... I'm just trying to figure out who left the door open and let the little tornado in!

Eh, once we get sorted out the amount of food that constitutes a snack and NOT a meal, she's good to go for about 30 minutes.  She has 1/2 hr. of "free" time where she can kick back with a cartoon, book, coloring, playing etc (hopefully you get the picture) and then she must get with her homework.

This time alone used to be dreadful, we're talking about 3 hours for what should have taken her 20 minutes (30 at the most).  Mommy decided things were going to change, or I would really be loading myself up to go to the funny farm.  Found a book titled Ending the Homework Hassles (author's name cannot be recalled at this moment, if anyone wants to know, I'll post it later)!  I'm free again!!

Basically, he says no child doing homework @ kitchen table (and directing the lives of everyone around them), find a desk/table in a separate room (Lauryn has a large desk in her room) and let them do their home work their way.  With music, etc....  Not only are they to do their own homework (I know that is a very retro concept for a lot of us parents), but they are to bring their work to YOU if they have a question (not holler down the hall as if they were telling you what to do  needing you (ahem, possibly that is only at my house ).

So with my battle gear on, ready to fight for my right to sanity.  I explained to Lauryn how homework was going to be done from now on... not only was she going to be doing it in her room, on her own (with very minimal help from a parent), she was going to be done by 5:30 pm (that is an hour and a half for 3rd grade homework....'nuff time).  If she's not done, she still packs it up for school the next day and gets her groove on setting the table for dinner and family time.  When dinner table is set it's outdoor time....until it's freezing out (then it is still an option).

Do you want to know a really great thing, my WOW for this Wednesday?!?!  Huh, do ya, do ya?!  I'll tell you anyways..... she has made this momma proud with her responsible behavior and getting that homework knocked out in an hour or less!!!  Only needing to come to me to do some reading aloud or some memory work!

WHOOOOSH!  That is the bucket load of stress that just left my body.  Sorry for the noise.  The school year had NOT started out fine, alright I'll admit it was a tense start.  Mommy was expecting too much maybe, Lauryn was headbutting those expectations, as usual.  Whatever the reason, I wasn't expecting to make it through the whole school year with my sanity intact (or Lauryn's head actually).

Who knew, you could give a strong willed child more responsibilities and the freedom to take on those 'sponsibilities, and they would grab hold and run with 'em!!  Yeah, me for discovering this before her 7th b-day!!

So, what does the whirling dervish do with her after chore time last evening?  Take a 1971 Walt Disney book outside to look at, because she wants to see Peter Pan again and we don't happen to have the movie in our home collection.  Hmmm, b-day is coming up.  Could be a good idea!

So I'm leaving you with a picture of my girlies, acting as if they were the perfect angels.... outside getting fresh air and expanding their brain power!!

Of course Liyah had to join her yesterday.... she was reading an ABC's of Civility book I picked up at a yard sale over the weekend.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Just in case you were wondering how I feel....

In case you think....

I have a blatant case of favoritism...  Here's the post for Lauryn.  Our oldest, 6 going on 16.  In 3rd grade, doing sooo well!  I could say things about how incredibly strong willed, defiant and grumpy she can be is, but this isn't that kind of post!

So, here's our beautiful, talented, intelligent daughter.  The one who doesn't want her pic taken, because she has such sensitive eyes to the flash (all pics of her from camp this year had her eyes closed, LOL).  But, we do get pictures, and we do love to look at them!  Just like the other one (whom we won't mention by name since this isn't her post).

We tend to get lots of pics of Lauryn doing things!  Not so much into the posing.....

This is Lauryn all pretty.... ready to go out.  This is the second picture.  Lesson learned, get it right the first time!
(oh, and would someone paint the trim, it's getting on my nerves)

Her favorite thing to do... eat sweets

 Smiling so mommy can test her new iPhone app.
Conquering the world, one rock @ a time! (you go girl)

Having a blast @ Foaming Finish for Summer Reading club

Dress up, on stage @ Children's Museum Marquette, MI (vacation)
She wanted to be the wicked witch (honest)

  Turning her grandma into a frog!

 A favorite pastime!  I'm so glad

Smiling (still) after a 3 mile hike to see a waterfall!! 

This is how Lauryn usually is.... in action.
Of course Li the little one is in it too, we are an equal opportunity house!

I love my girls, they make me crazy (we don't use 4 letter words in our house, so they really don't know what sane is!) but I love 'em anyway (sometimes I love them the most after 8 pm when they are tucked in and sleeping).

Hope you enjoyed the photos of my biggest, and brightest... no don't get irrational here, I don't have favorites here either!